來(lái)源: 華圖教育2018-05-30 09:30
【時(shí)長(zhǎng)9分鐘的英文版雄安形象宣傳片《新時(shí)代的中國(guó):雄安 探索人類發(fā)展的未來(lái)之城》成為推介會(huì)的一大亮點(diǎn)。一起來(lái)先睹為快!】
《新時(shí)代的中國(guó):雄安 探索人類發(fā)展的未來(lái)之城》
Xiongan,China. A millennial plan of national significance.
As China enters a new era, Xionganhas drawn the attention of the whole world.
【Xi Jinping’s speech at the 19thCPC National Congress】
We will relieve Beijing offunctions nonessential to its role as the capital and use this effort to drivethe coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; and we willdevelop forward-looking plans and adopt high standards for building the XionganNew Area.
Each era has itsown signature. In the march towards great national rejuvenation, China hasnever stopped to rest in pursuing reform and opening up.
In the 1980s,Shenzhen of Guangdong Province rose into a modern city.
In the 1990s,Pudong of Shanghai transformed into a shining “Pearl[L2] in the East”.
Entering the 21stcentury, Xiongan New Area of Hebei Province is thriving with strength and vigornever seen before.
Chinain the New Era: Xiongan – A Vision for the Future of Cities
Xiongan New Area sits at theheart of the triangular area formed by Beijing, Tianjin and Baoding, 105kilometers away from both Beijing and Tianjin.
It is also part of theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei region that boasts enormous economic potential. Thestrategy of coordinated development in this region,[L3] introduced in 2014, has beenpushed forward with full steam and across the board.
On February 23, 2017, XiJinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and President of China, visited Hebei for the planning of Xiongan, a cityof the future for China and the world.
【Xi Jinping’sremarks at the meeting on the planning and development of Xiongan New Area】
Xiongan New Area will be a legacyfor our future generations. Following the principle of global vision,international standards, Chinese characteristics, and high goals, we should aimto build a demonstration area that practices the new concept for development.
This is a seamless combination of traditionalChinese culture and a modern vision for cities in the new era.
Xiongan is designed to relieve Beijing of functionsnonessential to its role as the capital and provide a Chinese solution to “urbanproblems”.
Xiongan will be developed into a high-level modernsocialist city and a frontrunner of high-quality development by 2035, and becomean important pole in the world-class city cluster - the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiregion by the middle of this century, making it an exemplary city in humanhistory.
The plan is to build Xiongan into a city never seen inhistory and a gateway to future cities.
This is China’s newest and most exquisite blueprintin the new era that presents the image of a confident, beautiful and innovativeChina.
Xiongan will follow a patternof cluster development with no single city center. Its spatial layout willfeature one city proper, five clusters and multiple attractions.
The starting area,composed of five clusters, will cover an area of 100 square kilometers, andserve as the city proper to bring in public institutions, corporateheadquarters, financial institutions, etc. from Beijing.
The focus isdeveloping cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence,information security, quantum technology, and supercomputing.
In collaborationwith the starting area, the five clusters in the periphery, Xiongxian County,Rongcheng County, Anxin County, Zhaili Town, and Zangang Town, will holdhigh-end and high-tech industries,includingelectronic information, life sciences and technologies, cultural and creativebusinesses, military-civilian integration, and scientific and technological R&D.
The attractionswill be small towns and beautiful villages with distinctive features,where there will be a grouping of such industries asnetwork intelligence, financial technology, and cultural and creativeindustries.
Xiongan, a smart city that leads the future.
In the digital version of Xiongan, even a steelgirder in the real city has its reflection and even a control valve has anassigned IP address.
Top Internet companies of China have gathered here inXiongan.
This is a city that creates the future. We considerit more important than anything to be part of this great era and part of theendeavor to build a great city.
Alibaba’s Digital Xiongan Program will connect thetransportation, energy, water supply and other basic wellbeing facilities hereto Alibaba Cloud so that the city can make self-adjustments based on big data.
Tencent has launched an innovation experiment platformto test-run its core technologies such as financial big data, block chain andAI here in Xiongan.
Baidu’s Apollo autonomous driving system will make Xiongana global leader in smart travelling.
Xiongan, an innovative city that pools wisdom of the times.
This is where the latest ideas of urban development take root, where the most creative reform model is put into practice, and where the new theories inthe new era are transformed into the power of innovation driving development.
Xiongan will offer a brand-new development model for new areas and cities.Reform and openness make the city a pioneer of innovation.
【采訪:京津冀協(xié)同發(fā)展專家咨詢委員會(huì)副組長(zhǎng) 中國(guó)工程院院士鄔賀銓】
More reform measures can be piloted in Xiongan. Policies concerning land,housing, tax, financial services, and employment of foreigners can all beexplored.
Xiongan, a green city that epitomizes eco-beauty and cosy environment.
The city will be built amidst a land of waters andtrees that take up 70% of its total area.
如今白洋淀流域生態(tài)修復(fù)全面展開(kāi),引黃入冀補(bǔ)淀正式通水,未來(lái)白洋淀面積擴(kuò)大一倍以上;實(shí)施 “千年秀林”工程,推進(jìn)大面積植樹(shù)造林。大樹(shù)成蔭,林淀環(huán)繞,這里將形成一派城綠交融的中國(guó)畫(huà)卷。
The ecological restoration of the Baiyang Lake area isnow in full swing. The diversion channels of the water diversion project fromthe Yellow River into Hebei Province and Baiyang Lake are up and running. Inthe future, Baiyang Lake will be more than twice larger. The “Millennium ForestProject” has been launched for large-scale afforestation. A Chinese landscapepainting of lush forests and clear waters is going tounfold here.
Xiongan is a people-centeredcity with well-developed facilities and closeness to nature.
You will not find concretejungle or glass walls here. People live a decent urban life with idyllicscenery, and access to quality education home and abroad, healthcare and otherpublic services.
With the city’s smart, multi-dimension[L8] and green transportationsystem, daily necessities can be reached within 15 minutes’ walk.
It is also convenient totravel further, with 30 minutes’ travel to Beijing by high-speed rail and 20minutes to the new airport of Beijing. From there, you can reach every cornerof the world.
Xiongan will be more than just a Chinese new city.I think it can become an international city, to create towns which have highquality, where people can live and people can work at the same time, so peoplecan feel at home at these new places, Xiongan or maybe other cities around.
A shared future for all mankind; all eyes on Xiongan.Today, Xiongan is joining hands with all countries to promote a better life forour people and share the fruits of high-quality development, injecting new hopeand impetus to the future of mankind.
Xiongan, a living testimony to the new vision fordevelopment, will shine with splendor of true wisdom and write a gloriouschapter of the new era.
This is Xiongan. This is the future.